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The Archbishop of Lusaka, Most Rev. Dr. Alick Banda, welcomes the Catholic Men’s League (CML)

The Archbishop of Lusaka, Most Rev. Dr. Alick Banda, welcomes the Catholic Men’s League (CML)

On April 20, 2024, as the morning mist lifted, the Archbishop of Lusaka, Most Rev. Dr. Alick Banda, stood at the threshold to welcome the Catholic Men’s League (CML).
Once, a fledgling seed planted in the fertile soil of faith blossomed into a mighty oak. Its roots spread far and wide, intertwining with the stories of ordinary men who dared to dream of more than a mundane existence.
On 24th November 2019 at Stephen’s Parish in Chunga Parish, 10 souls held a vision to be the silent pillars of their communities and to forge bonds stronger than iron. Their numbers grew, like mustard seeds taking root in parched soil. From Chunga to Chilenje, from Kalingalinga to Kabwata, the CML spread its wings.
Archbishop Alick Banda, his vestments resplendent in hues of crimson and gold, stood at the pulpit of the Cathedral of the Child Jesus as he welcomed the CML with the Eucharist celebration. His voice, a melodic blend of authority and compassion, resonated through an assembly of devoted CML members.
“Welcome to the Cathedral,” he said. We welcome you to the Archdiocese of Lusaka formally as one of our lay groupings within the ambience of the Archdiocese of Lusaka. As we have begun observing our charism, as we have began a journey in the footsteps of our Lord and especially of our Patron Saint {Joseph} that we may be men who are able to care for our own families, that we as members participate vigorously in the evangelization mission of the Church.”
“That we may take care and take part in the mission of the Church, being available to one another and especially to the work of the Church,” he said.
In his homily, Dr. Banda noted with gratitude the steady growth of the CML from its humble beginnings.
“Yours as the Catholic Men’s League,” he urged, his eyes alight with conviction. “Is to grow in accordance with your charism, being men of care, men that show mercy, and men that labour for all the good. And indeed, internalizing your constitution.”
“Emulate Jesus Christ,” the Archbishop continued, his words like incense rising. “Not in grand cathedrals alone, but in the quiet corners of your lives. In the kindness you extend to a stranger, in the forgiveness you offer to a brother, in the unwavering love you hold for your families.”
The lay group, their eyes fixed on the crucifix above the altar, nodded in agreement. The Archdiocese of Lusaka became a sanctuary not only of stone and stained glass but of shared humanity.
Their commitment echoed through the nave, a whispered promise to walk the path of compassion, to carry the torch of love.
And in that sacred moment, as the Archbishop’s final benediction hung in the air, they knew they were not merely welcomed; they were called to emulate the Divine—to be the hands and feet of Christ in a world thirsting for grace.


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