Charity and Social justice Environment – Laudato si
Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Community Incubation Centres Health Education and Training

The Archdiocese of Lusaka (ADL) covers the whole Lusaka Province namely Lusaka,Chongwe, Rufunsa,Kafue, Chilanga, Lwangwa, Chirundu and Mumbwa Districts . ADL is a non-profit Institution and in addition to its other duties provides care and support to People Living with HIV/AIDS. Provides care and support to Orphans and Vulnerable (OVCs), Promotes Socioeconomic empowerment, advocates for human rights. Furthermore, ADL has three Mission Hospitals namely, Katondwe, Nangoma and St.Luke’s -Mpanshya offering services to the marginalized under strenuous conditions due to dwindling and limited resources. The Government through the Ministry of Health has not been funding the facilities consistently and the situation has worsened with COVID 19 Pandemic. ADL also has two Hospices Namely Our Lady’s -Kalingalinga and Mother of Mercy in Chilanga. They too are providing services under strenuous conditions. Overly, our health facilities face challenges to operate effectively and efficiently. The demand for service delivery is quite overwhelming and they are in constant need of finances to offer services holistically.

Education, Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Community Incubation Centres – to develop and maintain an entrepreneurship and innovation eco-system that fosters and inculcates entrepreneurship and innovation attitudes and skills among the people of God especially the youth through (a) establishing more Catholic schools, technical and vocational institutions, colleges and universities to inculcate Catholic Faith and Morals (for example training centers for carpentry, bricklaying etc), (b) establishing community incubation centers, at least one in every parish, to provide hand-holding and step-by-step services for turning ideas, dreams, passions, skills and problems into vibrant enterprises, (c) curriculum and pedagogy reforms for an entrepreneurial approach to education and training, so that learners graduate with on-going businesses emanating from their studies in addition to degrees and certificates, (d) setting up partnerships between education and training institutions, financial institutions, and industry for pitching, financing and mentoring of promising projects and opportunities, (e) encouraging industry to establish or embed training facilities in them, (f) maintaining skills and job matching facilities for placements in every parish, including for technicians, and maintaining data bases or rosters of ethical and professional service providers, and (f) to continue the teaching ministry of our Lord through running education and training facilities throughout the Archdiocese.


Mr. G. Mwiinga
Manager - Health