Ignore Priests at own Peril

Archbishop of Lusaka His Grace Dr. Alick Banda has warned that people ignoring messages from Priests are doing it at their own peril.
Archbishop Banda said Priests speak from an informed perspective because they live with the people and understand their needs.
In his sermon during the Archdiocese of Lusaka Annual Youth Pilgrimage at the Marian Shrine in Lusaka on Saturday, Archbishop Banda said Priests are not jokers.
The Lusaka Archbishop said he will defend all priests in the Archdiocese of Lusaka in particular and in the world in the general.
The Archbishop encouraged the young people in his homily to cultivate a deep and personal relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ.
“On our journey of faith, we can choose an easy path and avoid every effort. We can even think low and become offensive to every challenge of our ideas whereby we allow ourselves to wallow in the forms of deceit and dishonesty. However, Jesus walks before us with the truth and encouraging us to repent, for life is too short to live a lie, nor darkening it with useless arguments full of jealousy, of vindictive, discontent, and bad attitude. And thus, my dear young people, cultivate a deep and personal relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. Cultivate the love for the love for the word of God. St. Jerome was right when he said, Ignorance of the scriptures, ignorance of the Word of God is ignorance of Christ. Hence, cultivate the love for the Word of God. Cultivate a deep and personal relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. My dear young people, do not be intimidated by anyone for doing what is right and what is correct. Let the truth of Christ that bears with and sustains us lead you all the way. My dear young people, especially in the protection of one another, the vulnerable, the neglected, the distressed.” said, the Archbishop.